At this age the children are getting more independent and we encourage them to become more self reliant. They feed themselves, use open cups and after snack time put bowls and cups back on the tray. They also learn to put their coat and outdoor shoes on and off before going outside. The Rainbow room is fully equipped for playing, learning and exploring. We have various topics, world celebrations and free play to vary the nursery day experience. We do a lot of adult led activities and games such as sensory trays where we create a scene such as a farm or fairy garden, bread making, hand painting superheroes, memory and number games. We also have child led activities like choosing a song to sing and creating obstacle courses in the garden. Our children have access to the outside play areas in all weathers, both in the front and rear gardens. Whatever the children can do inside we can also do outside, for example painting, mark making, construction, music and games. We follow parent led routines with regards to naps and potty training. In the summer the Rainbows have a Teddy Bear's Picnic and Afternoon Tea with their parents in the nursery garden. Our Rainbow room holds a maximum of 12 children and the ratio is one adult to 4 children. We use the guidance and follow the principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage.
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